Aluminium Windows & Doors – Broad Oak Brede

Aluminium Double Glazed Windows & Doors Installation in Broad Oak Brede

Are you looking for aluminium double glazing in East Sussex?

Our team at The Britannic Bi-Folds, otherwise known as bi-folding doors Sussex, had the privilege to be approached by a customer for a project in Broad Oak Brede, Rother, East Sussex.

For this double glazing project, our client wanted to convert an old garage on her Broad Oak Brede property into a beautiful outhouse. We were the chosen aluminium double glazing company and this is what we used.

Origin Aluminium Windows and Doors

Our chosen profiles for this conversion project were by a market leading aluminium manufacturers, Origin. By this, our client knew that they could count on many desirable and essential qualities compared to their uPVC counterpart.

They chose to have a 4 leaf bi-folding door installed, along with a set of aluminium french doors. To match this consistently throughout this conversion, the casement windows were chosen which offer a flush and slim frame.

Here, we tell you about the benefits that this customer has received.

Aluminium Double Glazing Features to Improve Our Customers Property

  • Durable powder coated profiles
  • Ultraslim sightlines
  • Large panes of glass
  • Thermally Efficient
  • Weathertight seals
  • Highly Secure

aluminium bi-fold doors Broad Oak Brede, East Sussex

Aluminium Double Glazing Broad Oak Brede

Aluminium Doors

The aluminium doors that we used for this installation were covered in a durable powder coated colour; RAL 7015 grey. There are 150 RAL colours available in our range!

The grey profiles are ultra slim, durable and lightweight. They are fitted with advanced weather tight seals and a smooth running free glide system.

Ultra Slim Aluminium Bi-fold Doors

The slim frames of our bi-folding doors are what makes them so appealing to Broad Oak Brede customers. In this case, the 4-leaf bi-folding door offered slim sightlines.

This will allow our client, their friends, and family the chance to enjoy an enhanced view into the outdoors for years to come.

Classic Aluminium Residential Doors

Our residential doors are constructed from the same premium grade aluminium as other Origin doors.

Whilst they promote the same strength and slim profiles as the bi-fold doors, they offer an entirely different operating system with partitions which can open inward or outwards. They are locked together securely with outer profile.

The slimness of these doors this does not mean that you lose any strength in the structure.

Aluminium is simply one of the strongest materials so the profiles can be beautifully manufactured from this material to give more space for glass. More glass means more light which is why this is a perfect product for the Broad Oak Brede project.

Thermal Efficient Aluminium Double Glazing

All of our aluminium windows are doors boast excellent thermal efficient properties. They have been engineered with the demands of the UK climate in mind. This Broad Oak Brede home will now benefit from U-Values of 1.32 and weather tight seals.

What does this mean?

Well, this means that not only will this building be a new and exciting place to gather, it will also work to keep the conversion insulated through every season. This will ultimately save on energy costs during the colder months and it will be protected from the external elements.

With effective double glazing combined with aluminium profiles, this East Sussex property can now be utilised all year round. An increased an amount of heat from the sun will be reflected by the glass. The thermal technology built within the profile will then prevent any heat from entering or the cool air leaving the home.

This applies to the cooler months too. The double glazed aluminium windows and doors will prevent heat from escaping your home and will keep that cold air out.

Secure Double Glazing in Broad Oak Brede

Our East Sussex client also chose our aluminium window and door installations for this home improvement project due to their security benefits.

The aluminium bi-folding door itself exceeds security standards. They are installed with a unique 8 point locking system. This system includes chamfered 20mm linear bolts and is combined with secure hinges.

Because this lock is combined with a  strong robust material such as aluminium, our client will not have to worry about unwanted visitors breaking through the locks.

Aluminium Windows

The addition of an aluminium window was required to the Broad Oak Brede property. Our client opted for aluminium casement windows and we would have recommended that. They are a classic style and, with an aluminium profile, can automatically create a beautiful space of light within the brick work with exceptionally functionality.

They are installed to provide a flush casement window to give the building a seamless and modern appearance.

half build aluminium doors, East Sussex

aluminium double glazing 20 year guarantee

Britannic Bi-Fold Company Broad Oak Brede

Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors Installation Broad Oack Brede

Aluminium Windows & Door Installers in Broad Oak Brede, East Sussex

Our team find great pride in our work and are more delighted when we know our customers are happy with it too. The owner of this property was kind enough to leave us a review;

“Excellent service, competitive price, fantastic products and 5star workmanship beginning to end – couldn’t ask for more – highly recommend!!” – Google

Our business thrives from helping our customers home improvement projects to become a reality. With years of experience and extensive knowledge to back us up, we will always provide the highest of standards.

If you are looking at enhancing your home with aluminium double glazing and have taken inspiration from this property in Broad Oak Brede you can calculate your aluminium bi-fold door price by using our online quoting system. It’s free and quick to use and you will be provided with an estimation for your project.

You can also contact us for some more information and inquire about our aluminium double glazing prices in East Sussex.

Products Used;

  • Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors – 4 leaves
  • Aluminium French Doors
  • Aluminium Flush Casement Windows
  • Origin Profiles

Broad Oak Brede Residential Doors

Aluminium Powder Coating Colour Used;

  • Grey – RAL 7015


  • Broad Oak (Brede), Rother, East Sussex

The Complete Aluminium Double Glazing Installation

Fully Installed Aluminium Windows,

Aluminium Bi-Fold Door Installations, East Sussex

Double Glazing Broad Oak Brede, East Sussex

Slimline Aluminium Windows and Doors Installation, Broad Oak, East Sussex

Britannic Bi-Folds, East Sussex

Origin Global Aluminium Installations

By Origin Global

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