aluminium windows Lewes

Aluminium Casement Windows Crawley

25 December 2016

Stunning Aluminium Casement Windows in Crawley

Aluminium casement windows are the perfect choice for your Crawley home improvements. They offer incredible style and beauty as well as exceptional performance, so that you get the best of everything when you choose aluminium windows.

Here at Britannic Bi-Folds, we offer state of the art aluminium casement windows to customers throughout Crawley as well as expert and customer focussed installation. Our aluminium casement windows are among the best in the double glazing industry, so we make sure that every installation respects that quality and is absolutely perfect.

Find out how aluminium casement windows could benefit your Crawley home in our handy guide to the features you can expect from these impressive double glazed windows.

aluminium windows crawley

Aluminium Casement Windows – The Stylish Home Improvement

Aluminium casement windows are superbly stylish. They have a stunning slimline profile that maximises the viewing area and achieves a beautiful aesthetic. In addition to this, aluminium casement windows are completely customisable. Choosing aluminium windows for your Crawley home gives you the opportunity to create the perfect look of your dreams.

Our aluminium windows are available in a vast range of colour finishes. From bold and bright shades that will create a contrasting look, to muted, traditional colours that will blend in with your brickwork, almost every colour you can think of is available in our range. You are also able to choose from a stunning variety of plain and decorative glazing, hardware and accessories so that the windows we install are completely unique to you and your Crawley home.

All this is only enhanced by the variety of aluminium windows styles available. Here at Britannic Bi-Folds, we believe that giving our customers plenty of choice is one of the most important factors in double glazing installations, so our range is superb.

We’ve summarised the aluminium windows styles we offer here, and you can find out more details on our windows pages

Casement Windows  One of the most traditional styles in Britain, our aluminium casement windows have a timeless style that will complement any property, contemporary or classical. They have a lovely aesthetic that creates a sophisticated appearance for your Crawley home.

aluminium windows crawley

Superbly Efficient Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium windows from Britannic Bi-Folds offer your Crawley home the most impressive thermal performance. We work with Origin to create state of the art aluminium windows that feature the very best of double glazing innovations to provide high-performance windows. Our aluminium windows are constructed with Aerogel. This incredible material is new to the industry and enables our aluminium windows to offer superb thermal performance, keeping your home warm and efficient no matter how cold it is outside.

Not only that, but the revolutionary Aerogel technology ensures that our aluminium windows offer fantastic sound proofing performance as well as weather resistance. With aluminium windows from Britannic Bi-Folds, your Crawley home will be protected from noise pollution as well as the elements!

High-Security Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium casement windows offer a natural level of security that no other material can achieve. The aluminium frame is super strong and robust, making it almost indestructible. In addition to this, our Origin aluminium windows are fitted with the very best multipoint locking systems to protect your home from potential intruders.

Our aluminium windows offer such a high standard of security, that they have even achieved Secured by Design accreditation. This police preferred specification means that our windows are capable of withstanding even the most intense physical attacks, and have been tested to ensure that they will fully protect your Crawley home. With aluminium windows from us, you can have peace of mind that your Crawley home and family are safe and secure.

aluminium windows crawley

Aluminium Casement Window Prices Crawley

Aluminium windows are a cost effective Crawley home improvements, and our competitive prices only enhance the value for money they offer. Why not get in touch with our friendly team and find out more about aluminium windows costs? We will offer you expert advice and guidance to help you find the perfect aluminium windows for your Crawley home.